Select tickets

Select the amount of tickets you require from the drop down box provided. If applicable, also choose the price zone and seating section. Once you are happy with your selection, please click "Continue", at which point you will be able to see which seat numbers have been allocated to you and the total cost of your transaction.

Price zone

Select the price zone (e.g. £A) you require. Please note all seating sections and ticket types may not be available at the price zone you have chosen, in this case please make another selection.

Seating section

Select the seating section you require. The "Choose for me" button offers the best available tickets from The Ticket Factory at the time of booking.

Ticket quantities

Please note that some ticket types (e.g. Standard Type) may not be available for the price zone and seating section you have chosen, in this case please make another selection.

Additional items

For some events we offer advanced car parking tickets. Where this option is available please select the quantity of tickets required based on the number of cars (not passengers). Please note that car parking is usually cheaper for advanced bookings.

Lounge package

For some events the Lounge experience is available. This package is an upgrade to the standard concert experience. This package secures top price seats, inclusive car parking and includes private pre-show lounge bar facility. The Lounge area will close at the start of the main act.

Additional Information

For disabled customers we have a dedicated ticket line - 0800 640 5001. Please tell us at the time of booking if you require a wheelchair space or have any other specific requirements, so that we make sure that the necessary arrangements can be made in advance. In the interests of safety, standing tickets are not recommended for customers under the age of 16 years. To allow all our customers an equal opportunity to purchase tickets, each booking is time restricted. The countdown clock in the top left corner of "My basket" shows the time you have left before the transaction will expire and the tickets will no longer be available to you. In the event of this happening, you will need to start your booking process again. Some customers may find that they are still unable to book, in which case you should completely close and restart your internet browser windows. This will make sure the most up to date information is available to you. If you still encounter problems, please contact our Customer Service team on 0344 581 0777.

Shopping Basket

This is an overview of the event tickets you have selected. You will be able to see which seat numbers have been allocated to you and the total cost of your transaction. When you are happy with your selection please click ‘Continue’. Later you will be asked to provide your contact details, delivery method and payment details. Please note you can cancel your order at any time before the transaction is made.

Contact details

To continue with your order, select from the options given:
Continue without creating an account.
Login in with my account.
Create a new account.

Continue without creating an account

No account will be created, any details you provide will be used for this booking only. You will be asked to complete your customer details. Fields marked (*) show information that must be given before you can continue with your booking. Let us know your title, first name and last name, address, email address and a contact telephone number. A quick way to find your address is by clicking "Find my address". Enter your house name or number and your postcode, then click "Find address". Your address details will then be automatically completed. Please check that this information is correct. If not, make any changes. Please note the address must match the cardholder's billing address, if not the credit card transaction will be declined. If you would like to save your details for future bookings, you can create an account by entering your detailsin the Log in details section.Choose a user name and password for your account. Please note passwords are case-sensitive so remember where you use capital letters. Your password should contain at least one capital letter, one digit and one symbol to be most secure. Please let us know if you would be happy to receive marketing information about any future events and how you would like to receive this information.

Login in with my account

If you have bought tickets from The Ticket Factory or The NEC Group box office before your customer details will have been stored for your existing account. Enter your username and password into the boxes provided and click "Login". Please note passwords are case-sensitive so remember where you have used capital letters. If you have forgotten your password click "Forgotten my password".

Create account

You can create an account with The Ticket Factory that holds your information. This can be used for this booking and will be stored for any future bookings you make with us. By creating an account you will make the booking process quicker for future bookings. Please note payment details are not stored. You will then be asked to complete your customer details. Fields marked (*) show information that must be given before you can continue with your booking. Let us know your title, first name and last name, address, email address and a contact telephone number. A quick way to find your address is by clicking "Find my address". Enter your house name or number and your postcode, then click "Find address". Your address details will then be automatically completed. Please check that this information is correct. If not, make any changes. Please note the address must match the cardholder's billing address, if not the credit card transaction will be declined. Choose a user name and password for your account. Please note passwords are case-sensitive so remember where you use capital letters. Your password should contain at least one capital letter, one digit and one symbol to be most secure. Please let us know if you would be happy to receive marketing information about any future events and how you would like to receive this information.

Delivery Method

Select your preferred delivery method from the options given by clicking in the circle next to your choice. You may be offered an eTicket as well as standard postal delivery.

Make payment

Check your customer details are correct, if not you can click "Change" to update. Please check that the delivery method is correct, if not please click "Change" and reselect your chosen method of delivery. Select your method of payment from the drop down list provided. Then enter your card number, expiry date, card security code and issue number if applicable. Check the payment amount and when you're happy to continue click "BUY TICKETS". Please note clicking "BUY TICKETS" more than once may charge your card multiple times. Please wait a few minutes for your order confirmation. If it doesn't appear contact customer services.